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Medplum's integrations the most commonly used features of the platform, and the tools can be used to build effective robust integrations. Medplum supports three types of integrations:

  • First party integrations with common medical systems
  • Common medical integrations like FHIR, HL7 V2, SMART-on-FHIR and SFTP
  • Custom built integrations using the SDK and Bot templates

First Party Integrations

Medplum supports the following first party integrations.

OktaAuthenticationEnable Okta SSO for ProvidersOkta setup
Auth0AuthenticationEnable Auth0 SSO for Providers and PatientsAuth0 account Setup
Google AuthenticationAuthenticationEnable Google SSO for Providers and PatientsGoogle Auth Setup
Azure SSOAuthenticationEnable Azure SSO for Providers and PatientsAzure Auth Setup
LabcorpDiagnosticsLab orders and resultsBot and setup
QuestDiagnosticsLab orders and resultsBot and setup
Health GorillaHIE/DiagnosticsDiagnostics orders - records - ADTBot and setup
Candid HealthBillingRevenue cycle and insurance eligibility checkCandid bot
ParticleHIERead/Write from ExchangesOpen source coming soon
Epic SystemsEHRRead/Write via FHIR APIEpic JWT authentication
RecaptchaSecurityEnable recaptcha on patient registrationSetup recaptcha
DatadogObservabilityApplication monitoringDatadog sidecar setup
SnowflakeData warehouseSynchonize data to datawarehouseDocumentation coming soon

Common Medical Integrations

Medplum provides templates and playbooks for common medical integrations.

HL7 V2EHRConnect to ADT ORU or other HL7 FeedsOn premise agent
FHIR (g)(10)EHRFHIR API for other EHRsExample bot FHIR API connectivity CLI connector
SFTPEHRSynchronize dataExample bot
FHIR CMS 9115PayorFHIR Provider directory for Payor complianceDocumentation
FHIRcastRadiologyEvent driven workflow for workstationsDocumentation
VideoBinary FilesUpload and transcode videoDocumentation
PDFBinary FilesUpload and access PDFDocumentation
ImagesBinary FilesUpload and access image filesDocumentation
OAuth2IdentityPlug in any oAuth2 providerDocumentation
Basic AuthIdentitySupport connections via Basic Auth for legacy systemsBasic auth
BulkFHIREHR/PayorExport FHIR Data for use by partnersBulkFHIR documentation
SMART-on-FHIREHRSMART app launch from Medplum or another EHRSMART App Launch

Custom built integrations

Medplum provides building blocks for custom integrations. Some examples are below.

NameTemplate TypeDescriptionDocumentation
StripeBot WebhooksSynchronize payments dataStripe bot
CMS 1500Bot PDFCreate PDF for CMS 1500PDF Bot
SuperbillBot PDFCreate PDF for SuperbillPDF Bot
MedicationsAPIPrescribe and check medicationsMedication related integration
Accuity SchedulingBot WebhooksEnable third party schedulingConsuming webhooks
Cal.comBot WebhooksEnable third party schedulingConsuming webhooks

Integration Building Blocks and Testing

Complex integrations are built by composing bots, subscriptions, authentication and authorization and the TypeScript SDK.